
Why choose Past Life Regression as a therapy?

Let’s start with my story. When I first embarked on this journey, I had many questions that counsellors, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, and various other therapies could not answer. Throughout seeking answers and lessons from many great teachers, I began daily well-being practices that enabled me to guide myself through past life regression. It was in that space that I found, and continue to find, the answers I seek.

I have since created an effective method using many tools from various great teachers, including Gina Lake, to guide myself and others through past life regressions. For myself and my clients, this method has proven to be a powerful way to experience who we were in order to better understand who we are now.

There are many benefits to experiencing past life regressions. One significant benefit is the ability to come to terms with certain belief systems by understanding their origins. Additionally, during past life regression sessions, I have connected deeply with my guides and felt their presence. I have received answers to some of my questions from my higher self or oversoul, and much more.

Other benefits of having a past life regression session with me include:

1. Emotional Healing: Address and resolve emotional wounds and traumas that may have originated in past lives.
2. Clarity and Insight: Gain clarity and insight into current life challenges and patterns by understanding their roots in past experiences.
3. Spiritual Growth: Enhance your spiritual journey by exploring the depths of your soul’s history.
4. Release of Fears and Phobias: Understand and release fears or phobias that have no apparent cause in this lifetime.
5. Personal Empowerment: Experience a sense of empowerment by accessing the wisdom and knowledge of your past lives.
6. Improved Relationships: Improve current relationships by uncovering past life connections and resolving old karmic patterns.
7. Life Purpose Understanding: Discover your soul’s purpose and the lessons you are here to learn in this lifetime.